Tuesday, February 16, 2010

O! Taak Pahije ka Taak!

O! Taak Pahije ka Taak!

I woke up just to realize that it was going on in my mind again and again though it was three days to this incident. It was the voice of this small little cute girl who wanted to sell Taak to me. Those innocent eyes, sweet little voice and a very humble approach! It was enough for me to get goose bumps even in my sleep.

I had been to Raigad fort last week and this little girl came to me and said "O! Taak Pahije ka Taak" She had a basket made of cane on her head with containers filled with buttermilk and accompanied by her cousins. For me and my friends who had been to this place, it would have been a great achievement, had we climbed the fort which is 2851 feet above the sea level having around 1450 steps. This girl carries this basket on her head from a village called Pachad located 3 kms away from the base of the fort. Walking 3 kms to the base of the fort and then climbing 1450 steps to come up and then sell buttermilk. This little 7 year old girl goes to school everyday and on all weekends & holidays carries this basket up to the fort just to earn a living for her family. Well for the first time I am experiencing goose bumps while typing. Though I did not want to have Taak but the voice of this little girl made me ask for one. I drank this as if I was really thirsty for a long time. The trigger was not to enjoy the taste but to respect the innocence of this little girl.

Later I did realize that I was really very thirsty. Yes, you heard it right, I was thirsty. A thirst of not having thanked the almighty for the blessing showered on me and my dear ones. We probably always keep on asking for more and more blessings. How may times do me take a moment to cherish the things that we have been blessed with and thank the almighty for them. It is indeed a thirst that many people have to quench.

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